Very Expensive Lunch: Saskatoon Driver Gets Cellphone Ticket for Using Points App in Drive-Thru

A warning from a Saskatoon driver about using your fast-food app while in the drive-thru line — a trip to get some free lunch cost him a lot more than he bargained for.

“I’m barely even moving. I pull up my app and look at the rear-view mirror and there’s a motorcycle cop behind me,” Mason Prima told CTV News about the moment he was pulled over going through the McDonald’s drive-thru in Saskatoon.

He didn’t think anything of using the app, and needed it to get the free lunch that he had earned through reward points. Then the officer came to his window.

“I just go like this and show him I’m on my McDonalds app loading up the code to get a free meal,” Prima said. He thought that would be the end of it.

“I did think he was just going to let me go because I’m just trying to get a free meal, but no, turns out to be a very expensive lunch,” he said.

Prima says the whole process was a catch-22. He needed the app to complete his order, and it’s the first thing McDonald’s staff ask you when you pull up.

Mason Prima says he got a cell phone ticket for pulling out his points app in the McDonald’s drive-thru. (Carla Shynkaruk / CTV News)

“I was kind of shocked to be honest. I’ve never had that before — I open up my app every time I go over to drive-thru and I’ve never had that issue,” he said.

In a statement to CTV News, the Saskatchewan RCMP disagreed with Prima’s version of events.

“RCMP can confirm that on May 13, 2024 the individual was observed driving a vehicle on a public roadway while using a cellphone. A Combined Traffic Services Saskatchewan RCMP officer initiated a traffic stop with the individual. The individual then pulled in the McDonald’s parking lot, where the traffic violation was issued,” the statement said.

Local criminal defense lawyer Brian Pfefferle says there is still a lot of grey area when it comes to technology and the law.

“I feel for the individual that was charged here. If he was literally in the … drive-thru area and not on a public roadway,” Pfefferle told CTV News.

Cellphone use while driving is clearly dangerous, says Pfefferle, but he questions the circumstances in Prima’s case.

Prima says he’s only been driving for two and a half years, he’s only had one speeding ticket in that time and is very careful to keep his cellphone out of reach, so he isn’t tempted to use it while driving.

“I didn’t have my foot on the gas or brake. It was just rolling. Barely moving,” Prima says. Despite what the RCMP says, Prima is sticking to his guns — for now.

The fine he faces is $580, which for this 18-year-old is a hefty amount, but he’s most concerned about the demerits off his licence. Prima said he feels strongly that he shouldn’t have to pay this ticket and is prepared to fight it in court. That date is set for July 31.

We’re curious. Have you ever received a cellphone ticket for pulling out your phone in a fast-food line, or know anyone who has? Share your story with us at


Key Points: Saskatoon Driver’s Expensive Lesson on Using Cellphone in Drive-Thru

  • Incident Overview: Mason Prima, a Saskatoon driver, was issued a cellphone ticket while using his McDonald’s app in the drive-thru line to redeem reward points for a free lunch.
  • Police Interaction: Prima was pulled over by a motorcycle cop who observed him using his phone while his car was moving slowly in the drive-thru.
  • Prima’s Defense: Prima argued that he needed to use the app to complete his order, as requested by McDonald’s staff, and believed he was not violating any laws since he was barely moving.
  • RCMP Statement: The Saskatchewan RCMP stated that Prima was observed using his phone on a public roadway and was issued the ticket after pulling into the McDonald’s parking lot.
  • Legal Perspective: Criminal defense lawyer Brian Pfefferle highlighted the grey areas in the law regarding technology use and sympathized with Prima, suggesting many people use their phones in similar situations.
  • Prima’s Record: Prima has been driving for two and a half years with only one previous speeding ticket and typically keeps his phone out of reach to avoid temptation while driving.
  • Ticket Details: Prima faces a $580 fine and is particularly concerned about the impact on his driving record due to demerit points.
  • Upcoming Court Date: Prima is determined to contest the ticket in court on July 31, believing he should not have to pay the fine.
  • Public Inquiry: The blog invites readers to share their experiences if they have received a cellphone ticket in a fast-food line or know someone who has.
  • Mason Prima received a cellphone ticket while in the drive-thru line at McDonald’s in Saskatoon for using his points app to claim a free meal.
  • Prima was surprised by the ticket as he believed he was simply trying to redeem his reward points and didn’t expect any legal consequences.
  • The incident occurred when Prima pulled up his app to load the code for the free meal and was approached by a motorcycle cop.
  • Prima expressed his shock at the situation, stating he had never encountered such an issue before and always used his app in the drive-thru without any problems.
  • According to Prima, using the app was necessary to complete his order, as McDonald’s staff typically ask for it upon arrival at the drive-thru.
  • The Saskatchewan RCMP provided a different account of the incident, stating that Prima was observed using a cellphone while driving on a public roadway, resulting in a traffic violation.
  • Prima’s case has raised questions about the interpretation of the law regarding technology use while driving, with some legal experts suggesting there may be grey areas.
  • Brian Pfefferle, a local criminal defense lawyer, expressed sympathy for Prima’s situation and questioned the legality of using a cellphone in a drive-thru queue.
  • Prima, who has been driving for two and a half years with only one previous speeding ticket, is adamant about challenging the ticket in court, especially considering the significant fine of $580 and potential demerits on his license.
  • Prima’s court date is scheduled for July 31, and he is determined to contest the ticket.
  • The incident has sparked curiosity about others’ experiences with receiving cellphone tickets while in fast-food drive-thru lines.

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