Trump Prosecutors’ Evidence Bolsters Michael Cohen’s Testimony, Experts Say

Trump Prosecutors’ Evidence Bolsters Michael Cohen’s Testimony, Experts Say In the ongoing criminal trial of former President Donald Trump, prosecutors are presenting compelling evidence that supports the testimony of his estranged former attorney, Michael Cohen. Despite attempts by Trump’s defense to discredit Cohen as a disgruntled ex-employee, legal experts argue that the prosecution has effectively … Read more

Very Expensive Lunch: Saskatoon Driver Gets Cellphone Ticket for Using Points App in Drive-Thru

A warning from a Saskatoon driver about using your fast-food app while in the drive-thru line — a trip to get some free lunch cost him a lot more than he bargained for. “I’m barely even moving. I pull up my app and look at the rear-view mirror and there’s a motorcycle cop behind me,” … Read more